The construction of female body as victimized and his necessary reconstruction facing male violence

  • Cristina Molina Petit Instituto de Investigaciones Feministas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Violence, bodies victimization, “nuda vita”, abjection, (re)construction


The female body has been constructed from philosophy, religion, medicine, fiction, even fashion, as an object easy to victimize. In the process of cultural construction I want to remark these female bodies’ characteristics as a “nuda vita”, object of abjection an subject of an ancestral submission debt which offers as a result a vulnerable, insane and fragilized body. In our struggle against sexist violence, feminism has to be interested in (re) constructing these female bodies not only from the physical perspective buy from new narratives in terms of strength, autonomy and habitability so that they do not offer a victim profile.


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How to Cite
Molina Petit C. (2015). The construction of female body as victimized and his necessary reconstruction facing male violence. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 6, 69-84.