Parody as a post-genealogical strategy: reading Judith Butler's feminism through the lens of the philosophy of M. Foucault

  • Carlos Pérez Herranz Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: genealogy, genetic, matter, performativity, parody.


Versus the currents of feminists clearly framed by a political theory of equality or of difference, the emergence of Judith Butler in the field of feminist theory constitutes, in my view, a complete revolution in the history of the discipline. This quality is derived, principally, from the turn she makes with regard to the subject-object of study in this branch of theory. In this essay I will link this revolution to the genealogical method of analysis defended by Foucault, whose application in the "archeology of feminism" will lay the groundwork for new strategies for political change and resistance against the perpetual threat of phallocentric logic.


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How to Cite
Pérez Herranz C. (2014). Parody as a post-genealogical strategy: reading Judith Butler’s feminism through the lens of the philosophy of M. Foucault. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 4, 335-357.