The Construction of Public and Private Sspaces in the Basque Children's Literature

  • Jone Martínez Palacios Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Universidad del País Vasco.
Keywords: children's literature, patriarchy, symbolic violence, public space.


Children’s Literature (CL) is an important socializing element in the construction of sexual identity, essentially throughout the first stages of socialization. If in the 1990s the feminist critical studies regarding CL pointed to the absence of women as the most important representation of sexism in these social architectures; nowadays we face the absence of models of femininity (ies). One must say that today the representation of women in CL is quantitatively greater than in the past. However, more does not mean better. This article will analyze how children's stories reproduce the logic of domination between men and women by means of symbolic representations and generic attributions of spaces.



How to Cite
Martínez Palacios J. (2013). The Construction of Public and Private Sspaces in the Basque Children’s Literature. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 3, 99-115.