Judaizing feminine habits ana male transgresions. The analysis of the Inquistion sources during the transit from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Age

  • Leonor Zozaya Montes Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: identity, judaizing habits, religious transgression, inquisitorial sources15th - 16th Cents., Guadalaxara (Spain).


Thirty five faith proceedings of law in Molina de Aragón are analyzed, dated from the end of the Middle Ages to the beginning of the Early Modern Age (1492 - 1553). First, the inquisitorial proceedings of the end of the 15th century are studied, regarding, mainly, women. An analysis is made of the role of women in judaizing rites of the place, be it in regard to isolated women, to feminine groups or for inducing women to proceed with judaization. Secondly, some other faith proceedings of law, of the 16th century, regarding men exclusively, are also studied. Comparison between accusations and declarations according to sex show that in that area women practiced typical judaizing habits (even if they should correspond more to a man's environment), whereas masculine infractions were more difficult to classify in religious terms, they tended to be very aggressive regarding the dominating Catholic Religion. Different types of readings are made regarding the sources kept and its information, related with gender differences and omission of information.


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How to Cite
Zozaya Montes L. (2012). Judaizing feminine habits ana male transgresions. The analysis of the Inquistion sources during the transit from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Age. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 2, 355-377. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_INFE.2011.v2.38560