Neither virgins nor mother nor indiscernible. A critical reconstruction of essays on difference by Luce Irigaray

  • Rebeca Moreno Balaguer Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Feminism, difference, equality, identity, Irigaray.


This document analyzes, from a critical perspective, the contributions to the feminism by Luce Irigaray. Since the feminism of the difference is awakened by the strong rejection to the egalitarian tradition, we uphold the illustrated notion of equality through the dialogue with one of its controversial referents: the political proposals launched by Irigaray in his work Je, tu, nous. From the demarcation of three key concepts (equality, identity, difference) equality is understood as a necessary condition in order to reach the respect between the differences. Likewise, the feminism is conceived like a theoretical and politician project that aspires to the social transformation. To achieve this goal feminism must start from the concept of identity, but must not remain there.


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How to Cite
Moreno Balaguer R. (2012). Neither virgins nor mother nor indiscernible. A critical reconstruction of essays on difference by Luce Irigaray. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 2, 319-338.