Children and adolescents in front of screens: a paradigm shift in the relationship and mediation model

  • Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino University Complutense of Madrid.
  • Carmen Marta Lazo University of Zaragoza.
  • José Antonio Gabelas Barroso University de Zaragoza


This paper reviews the major theories and research that analyze the relationship between children and screens. In addition, the agents which act as mediators that help children in the interpretation of the messages are considered. As a conclusion, it is observed that the new forms of multiscreen access used by children and adolescents have developed new consumption styles and that information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted in new styles of interpersonal and group relationships. The impact of the multiscreen society should be analyzed in light of the role played by different mediators and by educommunication.


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Como Citar
Ortiz Sobrino M. Á., Marta Lazo C. y Gabelas Barroso J. A. (2019). Children and adolescents in front of screens: a paradigm shift in the relationship and mediation model. Historia y Comunicación Social, 24(1), 353-365.