La frontera en la memoria cinematográfica española: mitos, utopías y quimeras

  • Enrique García Ballesteros
Palabras clave: Cine español, Cine de frontera, Historia, Ficción, Frontie, Frontera, Frontera espacial, Territorio, Mito, Utopía, Quimera, Idea de España, Reconquista, Descubrimiento de América, Conquista de América, Nacionalcatolicismo, Representación, Propaganda,


This article defines and analyses two models of frontier. There two concepts assimilate to the two meanings of frontier in English. The first one is related to the territorial advancement of a given people and imply social, political, economic and cultural interchanges. The second one is the spatial frontier, in which the psychological effects of facing the unknown constitute its leading feature. From this point of view, ‘frontier cinema’ is defined here as a unique filmic genre. This article examines the Spanish production of this particular genre and the way in which myths, utopias, chimeras accounting to political interests and ideological influences in different historical contexts have shaped it’s the plot.


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Cómo citar
García Ballesteros E. . (2007). La frontera en la memoria cinematográfica española: mitos, utopías y quimeras. Historia y Comunicación Social, 12, 45-70.