La Gaceta de Madrid como instrumento propagandístico de Amadeo de Saboya (1870-1873)

  • Pablo Sapag Muñoz de la Peña
Keywords: Amadeo of Saboya, Spanish First Republic, Propaganda, Press, Gaceta de Madrid,


Amadeo of Saboya becomes king of Spain on december 1870. He took that position just a few days after general Prim, the very one that introduced him in Spain, was murdered and at the middle of a six years turmoil period which ended with the proclamation of the Spanish First Republic on 1873. Too much for a foreign king, unknown by the Spanish people, rejected by a very important slide of the political elite and used in their own interests by other politicians. Under those circumstances Amadeo will rest on the only propaganda instrument that he directly controls: Gaceta de Madrid. From the Spanish State official newspaper he will try to improve his image among the Spanish people, however he and the ones that supported that political try in the form of a constitutional monarchy alknowledged that task as more than difficult.


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How to Cite
Sapag Muñoz de la Peña P. (2006). La Gaceta de Madrid como instrumento propagandístico de Amadeo de Saboya (1870-1873). Historia y Comunicación Social, 11, 199-215.