Apropiacions de la premsa a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil.

  • Josep María Figueres
Keywords: newspapers during te Civil War, collectivization, appropriations, political press


. Appropriations of Newspapers and Periodicais in Catalonia during te Civil War me article deals extensively with te subject of newspapers and periodicals which were appropriated and collectivized during the Spanish Civil War; this subject liad previously not been extensively researched in spite of te variety of nuances and peculiarities it contains. The article relates the stories of various newspapers whieh were appropriated and collectivized and includes eye-witness accounts by people involved in te process. It goes on to evaluate te real extent of te expropriation process and provides siatistical tables for te City of Barcelona and other areas of Catalonia both on newly-created newspapers and on existing newspapers which were appropriated or transformed. The article also includes information on printing houses and classifies te newspapers by language and ideology.


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How to Cite
Figueres J. M. (1997). Apropiacions de la premsa a Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil. Historia y Comunicación Social, 2, 165. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/HICS/article/view/HICS9797110165A