Age, aging and ageism in Julieta (2016) by Pedro Almodóvar

Keywords: Aging, age studies, Ageism, Pedro Almodóvar, Alice Munro


We analyze Julieta (Pedro Almodóvar, 2016) from her age theme. There are three major characters: a man who commits suicide, a housekeeper, and the father of the protagonist. In parallel, we witness the aging of three characters, two who are retiring and a third, the protagonist, who goes from an extroverted and joyful youth to a mature woman psychologically dejected by the loss of her husband and the flight of her daughter, events for which she will blame herself. With these presuppositions, Almodóvar establishes a series of contrasts with the ages, breaks some ageist stereotype and maintains some of the characteristics of his characters. We take into account that it is a free adaptation of three stories by Alice Munro.


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Author Biography

Agustín Gómez Gómez, Universidad de Málaga

Profesor Titular en el Dpto. Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Universidad de Málaga. Es docente en los másteres universitarios de Cinematografía de la Universidad de Córdoba y Creación Audiovisual y Artes Escénicas de la Universidad de Málaga, del que fue creador y coordinador. Forma parte del Doctorado Interuniversitario en Comunicación de las Universidades de Cádiz, Huelva, Málaga y Sevilla.

Autor de más de 50 publicaciones científicas y otras tantas conferencias en España, Italia, Francia, Alemania, Portugal y Reino Unido.

Es codirector de la revista FOTOCINEMA (2010-) y director del Festival de Cine Italiano de Málaga (2019-)

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How to Cite
Gómez Gómez A. (2024). Age, aging and ageism in Julieta (2016) by Pedro Almodóvar. Historia y Comunicación Social, 29(1), 141-150.