Feminism and projection of women in the newspaper El Sol. Analysis of the María Luz Morales’ contributions in the section “La mujer, el niño y el hogar” (1926-1931)

Keywords: María Luz Morales, feminism, El Sol, women journalists, twentieth century


María Luz Morales (1890-1980) was one of the pioneering journalists of the first decades of the 20th century, with an extensive production still to be recovered. In 1926 she began to collaborate with the newspaper from Madrid El Sol where, at section “La mujer, el niño y el hogar”, signs articles about the progress of women, transgressing the standards of the time. This work analyzes her vision about feminism and the projection of women and provides new biographical and hemerographic data that help to recover her history.


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How to Cite
Moledo Ucha A. (2022). Feminism and projection of women in the newspaper El Sol. Analysis of the María Luz Morales’ contributions in the section “La mujer, el niño y el hogar” (1926-1931). Historia y Comunicación Social, 27(2), 435-444. https://doi.org/10.5209/hics.84395