Game of thrones: feminine characters and media controversies. Reception study among Spanish-speaking audiences

  • María-del-Mar Grandío-Pérez Universidad de Murcia
  • María-José Establés Universidad Nebrija
  • Mar Guerrero-Pico Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Game of Thrones, representation, audiences, gender-based violence, feminist readings


As a global phenomenon, Game of Thrones counts with an intense following among Spanish speaking audiences. Our aim is to map the reception and characteristics of Spanish speaking audiences vis-a-vis with some of the reactions and media controversies surrounding the show, often centred on its exhibitions of sheer violence and the cruel and stereotypical treatment of female characters. Drawing on 1,581 responses from 18 Spanish-speaking countries of the online questionnaire of The Game of Thrones Audience Research Project, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data presents a more nuanced trend. Results reveal a large female and adult following which keeps up with the debates on the show and displays a complex understanding of its narrative tenets. The show is largely deemed as empowering for women while emphasising that the central role of female characters still comes at the expense of gender-based representations of violence and brutality.


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How to Cite
Grandío-Pérez M.-d.-M., Establés M.-J. y Guerrero-Pico M. (2020). Game of thrones: feminine characters and media controversies. Reception study among Spanish-speaking audiences. Historia y Comunicación Social, 25(1), 27-34.