From disintegration of radio programming to magazines: light pots in the Canary Islands broadcasting during Franco years

  • Julio Antonio Yanes Mesa Universidad de La Laguna
Keywords: Franco years, propaganda, broadcasting, entertainment, Canary Islands


In Franco years, there was no sign of light radio spots in Canary Islands broadcasting before the regime defused war propaganda after the Nazi debacle at Stalingrad, during WWII, and then consolidated itself under a mosaic structure in coincidence with the first opening measures. The subsequent expansion of the record music, since the inauguration of Radio Juventud de Canarias (1955), and the socioeconomic improvements brought by the tourism boom led to the evolution of such spots into long-term magazines a decade later. Together with the contextual and technical factors that made such a mutation possible, this paper recovers the most important milestones of this process and the peculiarities of the islands within the state context.


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How to Cite
Yanes Mesa J. A. (2019). From disintegration of radio programming to magazines: light pots in the Canary Islands broadcasting during Franco years. Historia y Comunicación Social, 24(2), 615-630.