Art and communication: the role of the artistic vanguards in the Russian Revolution of 1917

  • Violeta Izquierdo Expósito Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Art, communication, artistic vanguards politics, revolution.


The fact that works of art are considered communication vehicles or a sign system has allowed for important theories on the social history of art to arise. The use of art to support ideologies and politics is an old historic tradition that becomes more relevant in the 20th century. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between art and politics in the period following the 1917 Russian Revolution, analyze how avant-garde art and Marxist ideas played a key role in the cultural shift in the Russian society, and how these ideas spread throughout Western Europe during the 20th century.


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How to Cite
Izquierdo Expósito V. (2018). Art and communication: the role of the artistic vanguards in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Historia y Comunicación Social, 23(1), 65-74.