Opinion polls reflecting the real concerns of Basque citizens. The Euskobarómetro against the Euskadi question Programme

  • Susana Pardiñas Iglesias Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Opinion, eleccions, basque, polls, citicens


The objective of this work is to analyze objectively and through a quantitative analysis the consciousness degree between the worries that the Basque citizens have and the questions that these ask to the nationalist candidates during the program EITB2 Euskady pregunta (says the Euskobarometro). We analyze a specific period, this is the 2012 autonomic campaign, because we want to verify if there is any relation between the issues that are of most interest to the citizens, based on a poll, and the questions that they ask the candidates at the end when they have the opportunity of exposing their worries publicly. Our selected candidates are Iñigo Urkullu and Laura Mintegi, so that we can establish some limits on the subjects exposed on each question, their intentions, so that way we can be more specific on our investigation. The Euskobarometro that we analysed is the last one from the elections of 21st of October of 2012, the one from May to be more specific. To be even more specific, we could say this is a study based on the people’s opinion and political behaviour aimed for the Basque citizens. The sample in this case is a bit more than 1000 interviews with predefined profiles. The interviews, showed live on EITB2, the one by Laura Mintegi take place on the 24th of September and a few days after, the 4th of October, the one by Iñigo Urkullu.


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How to Cite
Pardiñas Iglesias S. (2014). Opinion polls reflecting the real concerns of Basque citizens. The Euskobarómetro against the Euskadi question Programme. Historia y Comunicación Social, 19, 197-211. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_HICS.2014.v19.45126