The Academic Use of Social Networks: A Comparative Analysis between Science Students and Social Science Students

  • Sergio Roses Universidad de Málaga (España)
  • Marisol Gómez Aguilar Universidad de Málaga (España)
  • Pedro Farias Universidad de Málaga (España)
Keywords: Social Networks, Educational Innovation, EHEA, Teaching innovation, Learning, University Students.


This paper examines the academic use made of the social networks by university students according the area of knowledge of their Bachelor. An empirical study was conducted to observe the differences between “Science Students” (Bachelors on Experimental Sciences, Health or Engineering) and “Social Science students” (Bachelors on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law). Science students showed less favorable attitudes to the use of social media in teaching. Their use of social network for academic purposes was lower than the Social Science Students’ use too.


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How to Cite
Roses S., Gómez Aguilar M. y Farias P. (2014). The Academic Use of Social Networks: A Comparative Analysis between Science Students and Social Science Students. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 667-678.