Historical and current development of the broadcast political interview in Spain

  • Carles Roca-Cuberes Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Broadcast political interview, commercial broadcasting, conversation analysis, public service broadcasting


This study analyzes the broadcast political interview in Spain, both from a historical standpoint and from its current practice. Its history is reviewed, departing from the beginning of the journalistic interview in the United States until its popularization in Spanish television in the nineties. With the aid of conversation analysis, a fragment of a broadcast political interview televised by a private broadcaster is examined. The results indicate that the political interviews broadcast in private channels display a tendency towards personalization with the intention of providing entertainment, thereby contaminating the public sphere.


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How to Cite
Roca-Cuberes C. (2014). Historical and current development of the broadcast political interview in Spain. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 437-447. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_HICS.2013.v18.44340