Real internships in digital environments: A virtual communication agency as a professionalizing learning tool

  • Ferran Lalueza Bosch Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Amalia Creus Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Keywords: communication, professional internships, e-learning, collaborative learning, digital environment, key competencies


This case study research focuses on a virtual communication agency developed to allow university students to carry out their final degree professional practices in an e-learning environment. The teaching staff involved, the participating students and also the non-profit organizations to which the agency has given free service evaluated the experience through questionnaires, focus groups and interviews. The findings validate the adequacy of the pedagogical design, but pose new and complex challenges.


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How to Cite
Lalueza Bosch F. y Creus A. (2014). Real internships in digital environments: A virtual communication agency as a professionalizing learning tool. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 199-211.