Telephotography and Teleregistration: image transmission experiences at the beginning of broadcasting in Spain

  • Francisco Javier Ruiz del Olmo Universidad de Málaga (España)
Keywords: Broadcasting, Radio Picture, Teleregistration, Agustín Ríu, Spain


Since the beginning of broadcasting, many amateurs and technicians searched image transmission by radio. However, the telephoto was overly complex technology at that time. Also this technique had problems in a difficult social and political context. The truth is that occasional practical results were obtained. The present work describes and analyzes in that way pioneering and experimental practices of image transmission in Spain, from the years 1918-1925, its technical achievements and social communicative uses, all defined by their creators. The context of this text are the rapid changes that led to the settlement of broadcasting in the country.


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How to Cite
Ruiz del Olmo F. J. (2014). Telephotography and Teleregistration: image transmission experiences at the beginning of broadcasting in Spain. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 27-38.