The didactic change and consequences in training of math and science teachers.

  • Miriam Méndez Coca Centro Universitario Villanueva de Madrid
  • David Méndez Coca Centro Universitario Villanueva de Madrid
Keywords: Methodology, lifelong learning, cooperative, math learning


In order to get better marks in mathematics and science it is proposed to improve the training of the math and science teachers. The training has three dimensions: the Bachelor degree is acquired with the learning of the contents of these subjects, pedagogical learning to teach the contents in a better way and a lifelong learning didactic methods and update contents to response to the demands of this knowledge global society.


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How to Cite
Méndez Coca M. y Méndez Coca D. (2014). The didactic change and consequences in training of math and science teachers. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 29-40.