The construction of the public image of power through the protocol and ceremonial. Historical references

  • Olga Casal Maceiras Universidad de Vigo
Keywords: Protocol, Ceremonial, Communication, Public Image, History


Protocol and ceremonial are present at all stages of the history of mankind, acting as instruments of nonverbal communication that convey messages of hierarchy and social power to their recipients. Since ancient times we find references to the ceremonial rites that relate social life events, especially those with a symbolic, honorary or memorial, and triumphal entries of rulers in the cities, the coronation or inauguration ceremonies, weddings and funerals of members of royal families and military parades.


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How to Cite
Casal Maceiras O. (2014). The construction of the public image of power through the protocol and ceremonial. Historical references. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 761-775.