Information, advertising and propaganda in the journal Arco during the Spanish Civil War.

  • Beatriz Lloves Sobrado Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Keywords: history, Civil War, news, propaganda, advertising.


The journal Arco was released with the subtitle Órgano de la Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las J.O.N.S. de Orense (Spanish for Traditionalist Spanish Falange and the Unions of the National Syndicalist Offensive organ in Orense). It was characterized by having a general thematic, with prevalence of announcements about the Spanish Civil War and the opinion of the Spanish Falange. It was a reference journal during the conflict and an important historical source because of both advertising and propaganda statements that served to understand the events of that time.


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How to Cite
Lloves Sobrado B. (2014). Information, advertising and propaganda in the journal Arco during the Spanish Civil War. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 737-750.