Microeconomics’ teaching videos: analysis of the external and internal impact

  • Alejandro Ros Gálvez U. Católica San Antonio de Murcia -España-
  • Alfonso Rosa García U. Católica San Antonio de Murcia -España-
Keywords: Microeconomics, teaching videos, teaching innovation, teaching resources, Youtube.


Focusing on the motivation of the teachers and improving students’ learning, we created several theoretical and practical videos for the Microeconomics subjects of the Degree of Business Administration and Management of the Catholic University of San Antonio (Murcia). These videos have been hosted on Youtube, allowing free access to everyone. The objective of this paper is to assess the utility of this resource for our students and for external users. The results have been very positive in both cases.


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How to Cite
Ros Gálvez A. y Rosa García A. (2014). Microeconomics’ teaching videos: analysis of the external and internal impact. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 75-84. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_HICS.2013.v18.43949