Uses and Abuses of Saffron in the Ancient World: A Methodological Essay

  • Irune Valderrábano a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:3:"USC";}
Keywords: anthropological history, κροκωτός, crocota, femininity, polysemy


Through the analysis of textual, epigraphic and iconographic sources, the anthropological history is a valid approach to study motifs of the ancient world, as we intend to show in this work. Following the methodology and the various fields of study of this discipline, we will observe the polysemic value of saffron in Greek and Roman society. This well-known flower in Antiquity, was used as a culinary condiment; essence of perfumes; medicine and fabric dye, and took on different meanings depending on the subjects who used it. Our study will focus on the dress obtained from its dye, the κροκωτός, and its link with femininity through the motif of seduction, so that, applying the perspective of historical anthropology, we could observe the different values of the garment.


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How to Cite
Valderrábano I. (2024). Uses and Abuses of Saffron in the Ancient World: A Methodological Essay. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 42(2), 371-390.