Καρχηδονίων θεωροὶ. The sacred bond between Tyre and Carthage regarding Melqart-Herakles
- Gabriel Rosselló Calafell Universitat de les Illes Balears https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1150-8235
Ancient historians report that between the 6th and 2nd centuries BC embassies travelled from Carthage to Tyre to make offerings to the temple of Melqart. Flavius Arrianus define the members of these delegations as θεωροὶ according to the Greek conceptual framework, so that we would be dealing with people of sacred nature. This idea, together with various epigraphic findings that allude to individuals whose titles include "resurrector of the god", leads us to consider that such commissioners were in fact the representatives of the Punic state in the famous ἐγέρσις of Tyre. A comparative analysis of the literary and archaeological sources now in our possession is intended to provide answers to these questions.
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