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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file is Microsoft Word (.docx)
  • DOI numbers have been included in the bibliography when available.
  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting a document for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

  • The document has been duly anonymized for peer review.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors

Gerión is published biannually by Ediciones Complutense. In order to be considered for publication, submissions must comply with the following Instructions for Authors.


Submission process

1. Gerión welcomes original research articles on the different historical aspects of Antiquity, encompassing the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean basin and the Near East and with particular emphasis on the Iberian Peninsula. Epigraphic, numismatic and archaeological works with a significant impact on the scholarship of the field will also be considered, as long as they present a consistent historical analysis, discussion and approach. The journal will also accept shorter reports on archaeological and epigraphical novelties.

Manuscripts (articles and reports) must be duly anonymized, edited according to the journal’s guidelines and submitted through the OJS portal (Open Journal Systems; a link can be found at the website: Information on the OJS application can be found in the following links:

2. Research articles must be unpublished works authored by doctors will be approximately 12,000 words in lenght, including notes, tables, figures and bibliography. The Editorial Board will assess in each case the possible publication of papers that significantly exceed this length.

A group of articles dealing with a common topic can be also admitted and incorporated to a monographic section. The Editorial Board will assess the adequacy of the topics presented to the editorial line and scope of the journal. Proposals must also be authored by doctors and submitted through email ( in a document containing a title, a brief presentation and justification of the topic, and a list of contributors and their contributions (max. 10). All manuscripts in this section must comply with these Instructions and will be submitted to peer-review evaluation (§8). The Editorial Board will consider the proposals in order of arrival. Once approved, the proponents will collaborate in the evaluation and edition of the contributions and will appear in the final publication as coordinators of the monographic section.

3. Reports must be authored by doctors and consist of the presentation and analysis of unpublished and particularly significant epigraphic and numismatic novelties. They will correspond to any of the thematic and chronological areas covered by the journal. Manuscripts will not exceed 5,000 words, including notes, tables, figures and bibliography.

4. Following the norms of Ediciones Complutense, the journal can publish a special issue on a monographic topic every 3 years. Proposals must be authored by doctors and submitted through email ( in a document containing a title, a detailed presentation and justification of the topic, and a list of contributors and their contributions. The Editorial Board will consider the proposals in order of arrival; if accepted, they will be sent to Ediciones Complutense for their final approval. All manuscripts must comply with these Instructions and will be submitted to peer-review evaluation (§8). The proponents will collaborate in the evaluation and edition of the contributions and will appear in the final publication as editors.

5. Both articles and reports must be original and unpublished, and written in any of the main scientific languages. They will include:

(a) Title (and subtitle, if necessary).

(b) Summary (100-200 words)

(c) Key words (4-6, different from those in the title).

All these elements will be included both in the original language of the manuscript and in English (or in Spanish when the original language is English).

6. Reviews must be also unpublished and will not exceed 2,000 words. They will present critical assessments of recent books dealing with the thematic and chronological areas covered by the journal, and will be submitted by email ( The heading must comply with the following model:

Enrico Acquaro (ed.), Tharros nomen, La Spezia, Agorà Edizioni, 1999, 209 pp., III mapas + CD ROM [ISBN: 88-87218-24-2].

7. Submissions must include the following documents:

a) A MS Word file (.docx) containing the Author’s details: Full name, home institution, address, telephone number, email address (institutional) and ORCID number. It will also include the date of submission.

b) A MS Word file (.docx) containing the manuscript, duly anonymized and including all written material (text, tables, bibliography).

If the article includes illustrations, the following documents must be also attached:

c) Illustrations (pictures, maps, graphics) in the main formats (.png, .tiff or .jpg), with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi and a specific file name and number according to the order of appearance in the text. Please note that all graphic material will be published in black and white in the paper edition.

d) A MS Word file (.docx) containing the full list of illustrations with their correlative numbers and captions. Indications regarding the location of the illustrations in the text will be provided with the reference “(Fig. 1)” (and successive). The Editors will follow those indications as long as possible.

Authors will be requested during the submission process to accept the transfer of rights to Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

8. Evaluation. The Editors will first acknowledge the reception of the manuscript. The Editorial Board will make a first assessment by strict order of arrival, taking their quality, originality and significance into consideration. If accepted for evaluation, the articles will be run through an anti-plagiarism application. Approved manuscripts will be subject to a peer review evaluation by at least two blind readers, external to the home institution of the authors; they in turn will be informed of the result and receive the full reports issued by the readers. The Editorial Board will be responsible for the final acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts according to their qualities, content and adequacy to the journal. The decision will be communicated to the Author within four months since the submission of the manuscript.

9. Once accepted for publication, the manuscript will be subject to several revisions to adjust it to the guidelines of the journal. During this process, the Author may be requested to revise the text and make corrections.

10. The Author will be given an edited proof of the article and requested to send it back in due time. Severe changes in the final document must be avoided to facilitate the editorial process.

11. Once published, the authors will receive a copy of the issue containing their work.

12. The authors are sole responsible for the content of the articles. The journal will keep the rights over their work granted by the law.

Manuscript preparation

1. Manuscripts must adjust to the following layout:

Margins: 2,5 cm (top/lower), 3 cm (left/right)

Font: Times New Roman (TNR)

Size: 11 pt

Line spacing: single

Sections: The manuscript can be arranged in different sections, identified with Arabic numerals separated by dots (1., 1.1., …). Titles will be in lower case, round and bold script.

Paragraphs: First line indented (0,5 cm), with the exception of the first paragraph of the paper and of each section. There will be no blank lines between paragraphs.

Notes: All notes must be set as footnotes (TNR, 8 pt). The number must be placed after the punctuation marks (example: ;5).

2. Quotations in the body of the text or in footnotes must be set between double quotation marks (“”). When longer than 40 words they must be given their own paragraph, without quotation marks, and 1,5 cm left indentation (TNR, 10 pt). Quotations must not be italicized, except for expressions or sentences transliterated from ancient languages.

3. Ancient languages will receive the following treatment:

a) Latin: Always italicized, spelling with “v” will be preferable (civitas instead of ciuitas).

b) Greek: Greek script will be preferable both in quotations and in short expressions; Unicode fonts will be used exclusively (for example, recent versions of TNR). Transliterations to Latin script will be reserved for the most common terms and expressions, italicized and without diacritics (hetairoi, polites, tithemi). Greek terms accepted by the standard dictionaries will be non-italicized and without diacritics (polis, demos).

c) Other ancient languages: They must be transliterated according to the conventions of each language and italicized. The original script will be used only for certain terms or expressions of particular relevance. Specific fonts must be included in the submission of the manuscript.

When a translation is offered, indication of author and reference must be provided between parenthesis (i.e.: trad. García Fernández, Istmo, 2005). If a particular translation is used recurrently it will be explicitly mentioned in the first reference to avoid further repetitions.

4. All references must be placed in footnotes (never in the body of the text) following the Harvard style (e.g.: Moggi 1993, 399-401). If there are two authors, a long dash (–) must be used to separate them (e.g.: Murray – Osborne 1996); in the case of three or more authors, use the name of the first one followed by “et alii”. References to different works in the same footnote or to different works of the same author will be set in chronological order and separated by semicolon (;) (e.g.: Moggi 1993, 399-401; 1998, 155; Murray – Osborne 1996). Page numbers will be presented in full, the use of “ff.” must be avoided.

5. Ancient authorities: authors’ names and titles must be given in full in the main text but abbreviated in the footnotes. They will follow the abbreviation style of the DGE (Diccionario Griego Español:; authors and works not listed there will be given the standard abbreviation in the relevant scholarship. Titles will be italicized and references will be set in Arabic numbers separated by dots without blank spaces; references in a sequence must be separated with semicolon (;); fragments will be referred to with the abbreviation “fr.” and the relevant edition.

Examples: Th. 2.19.1; Tyrt. fr. 12.15-18 West; Cat. Agr. 162.3; Ov. Fast. 6.812.

6. A final bibliographical section must be provided, set in alphabetical order. Works by the same author will be arranged chronologically, and works of the same year will be given an additional letter (1991a; 1991b; 1991c). Two or more authors or editors will be separated by long dash (–).

DOI numbers must be included when available at the end the reference and between parenthesis ( They can be found in their own editorial websites or in the following link:

Titles will be presented according to the following guidelines:

(a) Journal articles: Author (year): “Title”, Journal title (in full) issue number, pages (in full).

Beard, Mary (1986): “Cicero and Divination: the Formation of a Latin Discourse”, The Journal of Roman Studies 76, 33-46.

Moscati, Sabatino (1982): “Una testa a rilievo in pietra da Monte Sirai”, Rivista di Studi Fenici 10/1, 297-299.

(b) Books: Author (year): Title (italicized), place.

Loraux, Nicole (1977): La cité divisée. L'oubli dans la mémoire d’Athènes, London.

Series or collection titles must be provided, if applicable:

López Pardo, Fernando (2006): La torre de las almas. Un recorrido por los mitos y creencias del mundo fenicio y orientalizante a través del monumento de Pozo Moro (=Gerión Anejos. Anejo X), Madrid.

(c) Edited books: Editor(s) (separated by long dash when several), (ed./eds., coord./coords.,) (year): Title (italicized), place.

Mitchell, Lynette G. – Rhodes, Peter J. (eds.), (1997): The Development of the Polis in Archaic Greece, London-New York.

(d) Book chapters: Author (year): “Title”, [in], book as presented in (c) but without year, pages (in full).

Radner, Karen (2003): “Mesopotamia: Neo-Assyrian Period”, [en] Raymond Westbrook (ed.), Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, Leiden, 883-910.

If the list includes several chapters of a same edited book, the book must be listed separately following (c) and each chapter must include an abbreviated reference:

Donlan, Walter (1997): “The relations of power in the pre-state and early state polities”, [in] Mitchell – Rhodes (eds.), 1997, 21-25.

7. Abbreviations must not be italicized. Pages must always be presented in full and “ff.” must be avoided in footnotes and references. Expressions such as id, ibid, op.cit., passim, supra, infra, vid. must be also avoided, since references must be repeated as many times as necessary in the footnotes.

Se admiten exclusivamente las siguientes abreviaturas:


BCE – Before the Common/Current Era

c.– circa

CE – Common/Current Era

cf.– confer

col. – column (plural cols.)

ed.– editor (plural, eds.)

fr.– fragmento

IE – indoeuropeo

i.e. – id est

l. – line (plural ll.)

ms. – manuscript (plural mss.)

n. – note

trans. – translator / translation

vol. – volume (plural vols.

8. Manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines will be rejected.

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