Los monstruos fríos. Imagen y música en tiempos del capitalismo avanzado

  • Jean-marc Chouvel
Keywords: Music, Commitment, Unease, Neo-liberalism, Politics


Italian musician Luigi Nono (1924-1990) considered that the commitment of an artistic work lies in the way of making its contemporaries “listen” and “see” the problems of every period. The turn produced in the eighties in Nono’s work lead him to a refusal of avant-garde techniques and Marxist ideology, to face the deep roots of the unease that invades civilization, linked to neo-liberalism. Opposite to the aestheticization of the political made by modern capitalism propaganda, Nono recalls how a political thought must produce an inversion of the aesthetics that allows the spectator to become aware of his own alienation. In this fight against unease, it is imperative that music again learns the sense of drawing from image, that is to say, the differentiation of the material and the rupture of plans.


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How to Cite
Chouvel J.-m. . (2009). Los monstruos fríos. Imagen y música en tiempos del capitalismo avanzado . Escritura e Imagen, 5, 39-48. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESIM/article/view/ESIM0909110039A