Urfausto, Urfasto. Una leve aproximación al mito, una escueta recuperación de éste –al cumplirse cien años de la Gran Guerra–, en su vínculo con el poder

  • Cucho Valcárcel Departamento de Música Instituto León Felipe de Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) Aula de Música de la Fundación UAM
Keywords: myth, Faus, Mephistopheles, power, splendor, alter ego


This brief essay originated in the scenic version which, under the same title, has been prepared by the author: a particular vision and interpretation of the myth of Faust. The analysis herein provided aims at dealing with the fundamental aspects and the human passions that the concept of myth entails, by means of a thorough reflection, in order to propose a specific conclusion following the study of various sources which, as of the late Middle Ages, comprise the acquis of one of the late European myths. It also intends to provide myth with a topical perspective within a contemporary context, in light of the events that take place, the relations with power –and “of power”, and within the framework of what seems to be an ethical –and perhaps aesthetical?– crisis, in parallel with the sophisticated and widely spread economic crisis. We understand that power is an issue that, as taboo as it still is, should be addressed with “surgical sensitivity”, especially in front of creditors of any type of ideologies. Faustic reality connects with the concept that myth is indeed the base of History, and not the other way around.


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How to Cite
Valcárcel C. (2016). Urfausto, Urfasto. Una leve aproximación al mito, una escueta recuperación de éste –al cumplirse cien años de la Gran Guerra–, en su vínculo con el poder. Escritura e Imagen, 12, 177-208. https://doi.org/10.5209/ESIM.54035