Poetry-painting. Truth in relationships between arts

  • Jesús Díaz Bucero Universidad de Granada
  • Mª Dolores Sánchez Pérez Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Poetry-Panting, metaphor, poetic reason, aesthetic reason, Ekphrasis, aesthetic experience.


This study proposes a metaphorical approach to the research of the relationship between painting and poetry, considering it impossible to search for an objective truth within this relationship. For this, it shows chantall Maillard’s “aesthetic reason” as a knowledge system through emotion, through the metaphor between painting and poetry. Therefore it studies the truth in Ekphrasis and in images generated from texts. It also proposes the aesthetic experience (the artist’s reading or viewing experience) being the origin of the flow between paint and poetry. Finally, it studies the artworks born from the dialogue between paint and poetry related to Jauss’ three categories of aesthetic experience.


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How to Cite
Díaz Bucero J. y Sánchez Pérez M. D. (2014). Poetry-painting. Truth in relationships between arts. Escritura e Imagen, 10, 181-198. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ESIM.2014.v10.46405