
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The journal only accepts email submissions to:
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

Submission of articles

The original articles will be sent to the journal email address  (, and may be sent throughout the year. The publication of the journal takes place in June. Originals will be accepted in any language commonly used in the scientific community.

All originals must be accompanied by a title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English, separated by a semicolon (never more than seven). They shall also include a summary of the individual paragraphs in which the text is subdivided.

The author must attach the following signed document: Statement of authorship, good practices and cession of rights

The articles must not exceed the length of 95,000 characters (with spaces), footnotes and bibliography included. However, the Editorial Board could accept longer articles, take into consideration its quality and interest.

En la España Medieval doesn´t publish documentary appendices, except in exceptional cases that are assessed by the external evaluators and admitted by the Editorial Board.

En la España Medieval reserves the right to reject any original on the basis of quality, form or edition criteria, before proceeding to the peer review, which will be communicated to the authors within a period of less than two months. It is essential that the original texts conform to the editorial regulations of the journal.

Once the article is accepted for peer review, the author will also be informed and the text will be sent to at least two external informants using the Double-blind system. The authors will also be informed of the outcome of this peer review, as well as of the views or recommendations of the reviewers.

Those texts that pass the peer review will be published in order of receipt and acceptance.

In the course of proofreading, only corrections to printing errors may be made, without significant changes to the texts.

Guidelines for the articles

The graphics, maps or illustrations that the author enters in his text must be provided in an image file (.jpg, .tiff) with enough quality for printing (300 dots per inch). All of them shall be appropriately titled and numbered, as well as references to them in the text. The author is responsible for the copyright of the images, and must have all the necessary permissions before to sending the article to the journal.

Use of capital letters. Only proper names and surnames, famous nicknames (el Gran Capitán), nouns and adjectives designating the name of an institution, establishment or corporation (Instituto de Historia, Audiencia Real), and journal names (Estudios Geológicos) must be initiated with capital letters. Common names such as king, count, duke, pope, province, etc., will never start with capital letters.

Transcription of texts. When original historical texts, or texts from another authors, are included in the body of the article, they will be placed in normal style font (Roman type) and using high quotation marks (“ “). In case the quote exceeds the three lines it will be put in indented text, in normal style font a lower point in size, and without quotation marks.

If a quotation is required referring to the research project in which the article is included, it will always be made in the first quote and after the title.

Under the name and surname of the author, the personal ID ORCID will be included (if you do not have this identification, it can be obtained free of charge at

The different paragraphs in which the article is divided will have their titles in small bold letters, numbered in Arabic. The titles of the subparagraphs will be written in small italics, also numbered in Arabic.

Guidelines for quotations (there is a quotation style in Citavi 6: En la España Medieval spanish)

Footnotes quotations should be always located before the punctuation marks.

Quotations should be always made in a shortened way and without using “...” from the first one, including the following elements: surname (in Roman type), shortened title (in italics or putting it in between quotation marks, depending on the kind of the reference), if it necessary, volume in Roman numeral, pages quoted (referring exclusively the p. or pp). For example:

Gómez Redondo, Historia de la prosa, vol. I, p. 124.

In the case of works with four authors or more, only the first author’s surname should be stated, followed immediately by “and others”. For example:

Laumann and others, The Social Organization of Sexuality, p. 262.

Latin phrases, as, for example, op. citloc. cit. or similar ones, should not be used. It should be only use idem in the case of repeating the same author’s name in a list of works cited in a footnote or of citing the identical information of the immediately previous note, and ibidem in the case of changing the pages of a work cited in the same note or in the immediately previous one. Both words should be typed in italics and without written accent. See (or its equivalent in the language of the article) will be preferred to vid.


All the articles should include the cited bibliography (exclusively) developed at the end of the body of the text. This final bibliography should include the bibliography, strictly speaking, and also the primary works edited. It will be organized without numbering them, in alphabetic order, and, regarding each author, in a growing chronological order. In this final bibliography, works should be cited in the following format:

Books: surname in Roman type, full name in Roman type, title in italics, place of publishing: publisher, year (edition number superscripted, if not the first), number of volumes, if there are more than one. Everything should be separated by commas, except the place of publishing and the publisher, separated by a colon. For example:

Gómez Redondo, Fernando, Historia de la prosa de los Reyes Católicos: umbral del Renacimiento, Madrid: Cátedra, 2012, 2 vols.

In the case of a work with two or three authors, each author should be separated by a comma. For example:

Mitre, Emilio, and Granda, Cristina, Las grandes herejías en la Europa cristiana, Madrid: Istmo, 1983.

In the case of a work with four or more authors, the name of all the authors should be referred, separated by a comma. For example:

Laumann, Edward O., Gagnon, John H., Michael, Robert T., and Stuart, Michael, The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Papers: surname in Roman type, full name in Roman type, title of the work enclosed in quotation marks, title of the journal in italics, number and/or volume (if the volume has two or more issues, they must be separated by forward slash), and  the indication of pages. Everything should be separated by commas. For example:

Serrano Larráyoz, Fernando, “Astrólogos y astrología al servicio de la monarquía navarra durante la Baja Edad Media (1350-1446)”, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 39/2 (2009), pp. 539-553.

Book chapters: surname in Roman type, full name in Roman type, title of the work enclosed in quotation marks, the preposition "in" (or the same preposition in the language of the text), name and surname of director, editor or coordinator, title of the publication in italics, place of publishing: publisher, year (edition number superscripted, if not the first), number of volumes, if there are more than one, and the indication of pages of the chapter. Everything should be separated by commas, except the place of publishing and the publisher, separated by a colon. For example:

Calderón Ortega, José Manuel, “Los privados castellanos del siglo xv: reflexiones en torno a Álvaro de Luna y Juan Pacheco”, en José Antonio Escudero (coord.), Los validos, Madrid: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2004, pp. 41-62.

In case of anonymous works, they should be included directly by the title. For example:

Crónica de don Álvaro de Luna, ed. de Juan de Mata Carriazo y Arroquia, Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1940.

The electronic objects (books, chapters or articles) should include (alongside with the normal quotation) the DOI number (Digital Object Identifier), if possible, according to the following citation style:

Oliveira, Luis Filipe de, “De volta à normativa da Ordem de Calatrava:  Novo testemunho das Definições de finais do sécul XIII”, En la España Medieval, 43 (2020), pp. 9-26.

Otherwise, they should have the URL and the date of retrieval between square brackets, according to the following citation style:

Arcaz Pozo, Adrián, "Nobleza y órdenes militares en la Galicia bajomedieval", Medievalismo, 5 (1995), pp. 127-150 [en línea], disponible en [consultation date: 09-05-2021].

When grey literature or not published works were cited, they should include all the all necessary information to locate them.


Acronyms and abbreviations of archives and libraries cited in the work should be spelled out together in the first footnote, in alphabetical order (and separated by semicolons). For example:

ACA = Archivo de la Corona de Aragón; AACC = Actas Capitulares.

The acronyms should not have points. It’s recommended to use the most common one. The folio or folios should be indicated using: f. or ff, and r (recto) or v (verso). For example: ff. 15r-16v; ff. 17rv.


It should be used the following (or the equivalent in the language of the text): t./tt. = tome/tomes; fig./figs. = figure/figures; il./ils. = illustration/illustrations; ch./chps. = chapter/chapters; vol./vols. = volume/volumes; f./ff.   = folio/folios; p./pp. = page/pages; w./f. = without foliation.


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