From the Restoration of Justice to Fight Against the Infidel. The Legitimation of the Incomes of the Holy Brotherhood (1476-1498)

  • José Manuel Triano Milán Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Castile, tax compliance, extraordinary incomes, Holy Brotherhood, Catholic Monarchs.


The Brotherhood fund by the Catholic Monarchs in 1476 conformed the first permanent army in Castile. This expensive structure forced to form an tax system for its maintenance. This article aims to analyse how the authorities used the accumulated experience in fiscal negotiation of the extraordinary incomes of the monarchy to reach the necessary consensus for this new fiscal model. To do this, we will study carefully the discussion about the system of collection. Also, we will pay attention to the measures taken to present his military forces as something necessary for the common good. At last, we analyse the adaptation of this legitimating discourse to the changing political and economic reality of this period.


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How to Cite
Triano Milán J. M. (2018). From the Restoration of Justice to Fight Against the Infidel. The Legitimation of the Incomes of the Holy Brotherhood (1476-1498). En la España Medieval, 41, 105-131.