Lexicographical Studies and Medieval Texts: Dictionaries useful for Historians of the Hispanic Middle Ages

  • Elena Bajo Pérez Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Dictionaries, Medieval lexicon, Lexicographic search, Nuevo tesoro lexicográfico de la lengua española, Nuevo tesoro lexicográfico del español, Diccionario histórico de la lengua española, Diccionario del español medieval (DEM).


The aim of this article is the presentation and description of the main lexicographical works that are instrumental in the understanding of the lexicon of Hispanic medieval texts. It provides particular examples of the different approaches to the lexicographical search, and it also supports the idea that, given the fact that very important dictionaries are unfinished, each case demands a particular search itinerary. All the works mentioned in this article can be helpful in historical research about the Middle Ages, but today two “tesoros” (dictionaries of dictionaries), two dictionaries and two internet archives, should be highlighted as basic tools for every medievalist.


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How to Cite
Bajo Pérez E. (2013). Lexicographical Studies and Medieval Texts: Dictionaries useful for Historians of the Hispanic Middle Ages. En la España Medieval, 36, 401-441. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ELEM.2013.v36.41429
Sources and Historiography