Sources on Municipal Documentation and the Archive of the Town of Madrid. Books of Acts, Information Diffusion and Documentary Conservation

  • Leonor Zozaya Montes Universidad Complutense. Madrid
Keywords: Book of Acts, Township archives, Sources, Non-archived documentation, Madrid, Low Middle Ages


This article analyzes Books of Inventories, Registers and Acts from the late Middle Ages pertaining to the Town Archive of Madrid. Here they are used to study coeval aspects referring to the municipal documentation itself (it being archived or not) and to the chapter’s archives. The Books of Acts are the main object of this analysis, allowing the study of the daily use of the Council’s scripts in their living context and administrative reality, i.e.: who kept these documents, and when and how disperse materiel was recuperated. Observation of these sources renders more information regarding municipal documentation in use than archived documentation or the archive itself. This disparity is brought to light in order to suggest reasons for this difference.


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How to Cite
Zozaya Montes L. (2012). Sources on Municipal Documentation and the Archive of the Town of Madrid. Books of Acts, Information Diffusion and Documentary Conservation. En la España Medieval, 35, 349-365.
Sources and Historiography