The Christian Army in Early Medieval Spain: From Military Defeat by the Muslims to Spontaneous Resistance to them

  • Mª Isabel Pérez de Tudela Velasco Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Visigoth military, supporters of King Witiza, Islamic conquest, pacts, Pelayo


The present study attempts to analyze the internal and external causes of the Christian military failure facing the Islamic invasion in the light of the earliest chronicled testimonies. Based on the same sources, it also delves into the process of moral and material reconstruction led by certain groups that flourished in the socalled nuclei of Christian resistance. In this context, it also aims to evaluate the role of reorganization along military lines.


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How to Cite
Pérez de Tudela Velasco M. I. (2011). The Christian Army in Early Medieval Spain: From Military Defeat by the Muslims to Spontaneous Resistance to them. En la España Medieval, 34, 9-24.