Clean Hands Are Not Enough: Lectio Divina for Novices in the Mérode Annunciation
- Patricia Patgett Lea Independent Researcher in Art History
Iconographic analysis of The Mérode Annunciation has traditionally ignored how the medieval mind forged chains of memory prompts to expand meditation. Even the recent focus on devotional themes has largely failed to accommodate the mental process of meditation itself. The meditating mind prefers to move smoothly between prompts so that it can take full advantage of recollection — a mental process hampered by discursive analysis. Recollection retrieves stored memories and then links them in a continuous chain of meaning. The Campin workshop used embellishments — including placement, color and materials — to enhance the ductus of the Annunciate reading sacred scripture with clean hands and a pure heart. Such mnemonics are open-ended and multilayered within the framework of a specific devotional theme. They are metaphorical steps available to all who hope to conceive Christ spiritually and receive the blessings of eternal life.
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Independent Researcher in Art History (USA).
Riferimenti bibliografici
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