La crítica literaria en el siglo XIX: Antonio Alcalá Galiano (1789-1865).

  • Raquel Sánchez García
Keywords: Ateneo, Clasicism, Criticism, History of Literature, Liberalism, Literature, Oratory, Romanticism, Spanish


Antonio Alcalá Galiano is known as one of ihe most important politics in ihe first half of xix century. Liberal and freemason when he was young, later he was a member of the conservative party. Literature was the other face la bis life. Alcalá Galiano was a very outstanding criíic in bis time. He was found of literature in bis childhood and this hobby became a passion: he was an expert in Spanish authors and European literature. He introduced into the Spanish literary world the controversy about clasicism and romanticism and about theory of novel, he did an interesting valuation of Spanish literature and he analyzed bis contemporaries' works, especially Duque de Rivas' plays, his 231 xix: Antonio Alcalá Galiano... Raquel Sánchez García La crítica literaria en el siglo closest friend. His ideas were written ¡o a lot of articles and listened in lectures in the Ateneo of Madrid: «History of Spanish, French, English and Italian literatures in the xvííith century» (Madrid 1845).


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How to Cite
Sánchez García R. (1999). La crítica literaria en el siglo XIX: Antonio Alcalá Galiano (1789-1865). Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 17, 231.