Del bufón al pícaro. El caso de La pícara Justina.

  • Valentín Pérez Venzalá
Keywords: Picaresque, buffoon, l7th~century, Madness, Carnival


The picaresque literature has whole series of literary forms generated by te eourt buffoon or similar characters and the madness of the picaro is related with the buffoon and with the carnavalesque environment. The lacking in honour which the picaros make a show of or serve to a master who is unmaked through the humor. These are common characteristies, but also in their literary manifestations, both use common ways. Justina is a smiling character, she is the only who gives nicknames. She recognizes her ignominy from the beginning and she tries with her discourses to amuse and «please» using eamavalesque and burlesque ways which are only the buffoonery art. Also author, like te buffoon, disguises as a picaro and as a woman to create this picaresque story whieh is born like answer to the serious picaro who is Guzman.


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How to Cite
Pérez Venzalá V. (1999). Del bufón al pícaro. El caso de La pícara Justina. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 17, 195.