El estudio de los determinantes en aprendices lusohablantes de español

  • J. Agustín Torijano
Keywords: Determiners, Applied Linguistics, Portuguese, Interlanguage


This paper focuses on the study of Spanish determiners in the written interlanguage used by Portuguese native-speakers who are studying Spanish. Its general aim is error analysis, classification and description, according to the recurrence or frequency criterion in a large group of Portuguese-speaking students. Its purpose is to determine which are the areas of greater difficulty in learning Spanish determiners, with a view to establish the characteristics of its teaching/learning process and the so-called by the author collective interlanguage. The specific aims are: a) learning more about the interlanguage as represented by the determiners used by these students, considered as a representative group of Portuguese speakers; b) describing and attempting at an explanation of the causes of the errors; c) considering possible teaching actions to resolve the problems.


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How to Cite
Torijano J. A. (2009). El estudio de los determinantes en aprendices lusohablantes de español. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 26, 235-257. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DICE/article/view/DICE0808110235A