Efectos de concordancia en las oraciones escindidas del español

  • Myriam Plaza de la Ossa
Keywords: Concordance, Time, Number, Person, Case


In this article I study several concordance relationships in cleft and pseudocleft sentences in Spanish. Here, concordance is understood in the wide sense, as the linguistic resource to sign morfologically the coocurrence between the lexical component of two or more words in the discourse. As a consequence, if some of that words changes its morfological features, not only in gender or number, but also in tense, case, person, etc, the ones that have concordance with them should suffer some simultaneous morfological change, as well. This change need not involve a identity in the phonetics of the morphemes with concordance. At this point, I distinguish three types of concordance in cleft and pseudoclef sentences. On the one side, time and number concordance between the copulative verb and the verb in the embedded sentence. On the other side, person concordance, between the cleft element and the relative pronoun. And, finally, case concordance again between the cleft element and the relative pronoun. All this analysing those concordance relationships in cleft and pseudocleft sentences in Spanish is aimed on deeping inside the mysterious character of the components of this peculiar syntactic focalization mechanism.


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How to Cite
Plaza de la Ossa M. . (2009). Efectos de concordancia en las oraciones escindidas del español. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 26, 193-218. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DICE/article/view/DICE0808110193A