Otro episodio en la recepción de las Flores de poetas ilustres de Pedro Espinosa: a propósito de una canción de Agustín Collado del Hierro a la beatificación de San Ignacio

  • Inmaculada Osuna
Keywords: Golden Age, Flores de poetas ilustres, Agustín Collado del Hierro, Justas,


Traditional criticism of Flores de poetas ilustres (1605) has touched on various aspects of how the collection was received, including the influence of some of the poems on other contemporary compositions. This article highlights how two songs that Agustín Collado del Hierro presented at the competition held in Toledo for the beatification of San Ignacio, particularly the song that begins «Luz que alumbras el sol, Ignacio santo...», contain many echoes of some of the poems in the collection. The resonances are evocative of several poems and also of different authors; furthermore, the degree of proximity to the model varies considerably, ranging from the literal adoption of verses, to less conspicuous seemingly trivial syntagmatic coincidences. These references appear to be a literary game of recognition on the part of the receivers, in a context of familiarity with poetic texts that have a modern feel.


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How to Cite
Osuna I. . (2006). Otro episodio en la recepción de las Flores de poetas ilustres de Pedro Espinosa: a propósito de una canción de Agustín Collado del Hierro a la beatificación de San Ignacio. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 24, 181-203. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DICE/article/view/DICE0606110181A