La recuperación escénica de Valle-Inclán. Historia y recepción crítica de los montajes de la obra de Valle Inclán durante el franquismo

  • Juan Pablo Heras González
Keywords: Valle-Inclan, stage, theatre, critical reception, franquism


The article offers a chronological vision of the recovery of the Spanish stage of Ramon dell Valle- Inclan’s work, an author who, though he achieved considerable literary prestige, was not successful in the theatres of his era and that, for a variety of reasons both aesthetic and political was not a candidate for stagins until the mid-20th century. Through analysis of the critical reception of these stagings, as much in newspapers as in specialised magazines, the article delves into the causes of this delay and evaluates in what manner an approach to Valle-Inclan’s work is closely tied to the ideological evolution of the spanish cultural and theatrical milieu. Furthermore, it offers a list of short technical documents of the primary stagings of the plays done by the Valle-Inclan repertory from 1950 to 1975.


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How to Cite
Heras González J. P. . (2006). La recuperación escénica de Valle-Inclán. Historia y recepción crítica de los montajes de la obra de Valle Inclán durante el franquismo. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 24, 117-138.