Contexto y producción de sentido en la lectura lírica. Itinerarios poéticos de "La Casida de las palomas oscuras" de Federico García Lorca

  • José Manuel Trabado Cabado
Keywords: Lorca, title, context, casidas, dark love, children's song


This article aims at studying Lorca’s poem entitled «Casida de las palomas oscuras » in the light of the different Lorca’s works in which it was included. We can see how the variations in the title suggest a constant reinterpretation of the lyrical text according to the different contexts in which it was included. From its first appearance under the title of «Canción», to its definitive incorporation to «El Diván del Tamarit» as «Casida de las palomas oscuras», the text shows a semantic enrichment which describes the evolution of its matter from children’s song to a kind poem about «dark love».


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How to Cite
Trabado Cabado J. M. (2002). Contexto y producción de sentido en la lectura lírica. Itinerarios poéticos de "La Casida de las palomas oscuras" de Federico García Lorca. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 20, 325-342.