José Manuel Losada, Mitocrítica cultural. Una definición del mito

  • Mehmet İlgürel Universidad de Estambul
Keywords: Cultural Myth Criticism, myth, hermeneutics, José Manuel Losada


Mitocrítica cultural. Una definición del mito offers a very complete exposition of this discipline which is dedicated to the study of the myths. Its author is José Manuel Losada, literary theorist who created Cultural Myth Criticism. First, an approach to contemporaneity is carried out from the hermeneutic perspective and from the viewpoint of myth. Furthermore, in this major work, Dr. Losada reflects on many issues with the aim of offering the most complete panorama on myth and its manifestations in a wide range of media. One of the most important contributions of this book is to fully reflect the importance of transcendence in the context of myths and any narrative in which this transcendence is expressed through certain mythical structures.


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How to Cite
İlgürel M. (2023). José Manuel Losada, Mitocrítica cultural. Una definición del mito . Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 41, 261-263.