Study and reprint of the only two short stories published by Rafael Chirbes, “Temporada baja” (1989) and “Un cuento de invierno” (1992)

  • Jacobo Llamas Martínez Universidad de León
Keywords: Rafael Chirbes, short stories, Spain, disenchantment, capitalism


This article offers a study and reprint of the only two short stories published by Rafael Chirbes, “Temporada baja” in 1989 and “Un cuento de invierno” in 1992, which remain largely unaddressed by critics. These stories should not be overlooked, because in them the writer manifests essential narratological and historical aspects for the study and understanding of his work. The stories are reprinted in an appendix at the end of this article, given their interest and the difficulty of accessing them elsewhere, as they have only been published in the double issue (98-99) of the magazine Revista de Occidente and issue 13 of Bitzoc magazine, two issues that do not appear in all library catalogues and that are not digitised.


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How to Cite
Llamas Martínez J. (2023). Study and reprint of the only two short stories published by Rafael Chirbes, “Temporada baja” (1989) and “Un cuento de invierno” (1992). Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 41, 121-133.