Josefina de la Torre and the prose poem

  • José Manuel Martín Fumero CEAD de Santa Cruz de Tenerife “Mercedes Pinto”
Keywords: Josefina de la Torre, avant-garde, prose poem, literary criticism, Versos y estampas


In Versos y Estampas (1927) Josefina de la Torre unveiled a significant number of prose poems, which she called "estampas", a further sign of her precociousness when it came to dealing with poetry in both verse and prose. Her boldness at a young age is a trait which, in our opinion, places our author in a privileged position in the island's avant-garde world of poetry, and, also, of Hispanic literature of that time. Accordingly, the analysis we put forward here aims at revealing the key features of her prose poetry and, especially, the avant-garde approach that lays behind her writing process.


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How to Cite
Martín Fumero J. M. (2022). Josefina de la Torre and the prose poem. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 40, 169-181.