Francisco de Imperial “reading” the Divine "Comedy": el "Dezir de las siete virtudes" and its (meta)poetic and political legacy

  • Cinthia María Hamlin IIBICRIT-Secrit (CONICET); Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Francisco de Imperial, mise en abyme, metapoetical content, political and prophetical framework


The aim of this paper is to analyze Francisco de Imperial’s masterpiece, the decir narrativo en arte mayor known as “Dezir de las siete virtudes”, paying special attention to those elements that have determined the course of the allegorical-Dantesque school. On the one hand, we will focus on the metapoetic framework of this new allegorical journey, which is configured using the mise en abyme technique. On the other hand, we will focus on its allegorical and political framework, which, inspired in Dantesque prophetic format and its obscutitas, allows us to place the new fiction upon the 15th Century’s Castilian historical and political context. Both aspects of this text are essential to understand not only the poetics of Imperial’s principal successor, the Marqués de Santillana, but also the main characteristics of the allegorical-Dantesque school the Marqués inaugurates.


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How to Cite
Hamlin C. M. (2019). Francisco de Imperial “reading” the Divine "Comedy": el "Dezir de las siete virtudes" and its (meta)poetic and political legacy. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 37, 199-225.