Último round de Cortázar : el collage-síntesis de un proceso

  • Izara Batres Cuevas Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Cortázar, Paris, osmosis, poetics.


We analyze the poetical principles that govern the work Los tres cuadernos rojos, the first volume of diaries published by José Jiménez Lozano. Through these writings, the author, from Avila (Spain), contributes to the vitality of the genre and joins the writers who give continuum to literary tradition, by offering the fruits of his permanent dialogue with western culture. We especially take time to examine two of the core themes underpinning his thoughts: his theological reflections, that show his interest in the spiritual and religious dimension of contemporary man, and his historical reflections, which give a detailed depiction of society in his time.


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How to Cite
Batres Cuevas I. (2016). Último round de Cortázar : el collage-síntesis de un proceso. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 34, 69-101. https://doi.org/10.5209/DICE.53553