Diseño y proyección del espacio dramático en "Los amantes" de Andrés Rey de Artieda

  • Francisco Sáez Raposo Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Rey de Artieda, Los amantes, Renaissance theater, dramatic space, staging.


This paper deals with the way in which the Valencian playwright Andrés Rey de Artieda designed the different dramatic spaces where the action of his only known play (entitled Los amantes) takes place. Written soon after 1577, it is a play very tied to the dramatic mechanisms of its time, since the literary component of the dramatic text clearly dominates the spectacular one. We are facing here a kind of drama based on the word and very little on the visual effect.

Nevertheless, we can find in the text certain features of undeniable modernity, which is the matter that interested me when I decided to study it. My aim will be to demonstrate the dynamism with which the dramatic space changes occur throughout the plot in order to emphasize that Rey de Artieda was already familiarized with some of the innovations that will lead into the Spanish national theater only a few decades later.


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How to Cite
Sáez Raposo F. (2015). Diseño y proyección del espacio dramático en "Los amantes" de Andrés Rey de Artieda. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 33, 309-323. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2015.v33.50941