En busca del tiempo homérico con la mirada y la palabra de Antonio Prieto (lectura de "El ciego de Quíos")

  • Concepción Nuñez Rey Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Homero, Ilíada, Odyssey, Nausícaa, mythology, the look, the writing, mythical fusion.


In The blind person of Quíos, the novelist Antonio Prieto invents Homero's life feeding it with figures and facts from the Ilíada and, especially, from the Odyssey. The story is enriched by the historical knowledge about these great poems, and is framed in a rich mythological context. Beyond this, the novel reaches a transcendent meaning. We discover as narrative engine the Homeric effort to overcome the human fleetingness by means of the writing, thus creating a timeless link with the own longing of our author; this way, the novel offers us a maximum example of what Antonio Prieto termed as mythical fusion.


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How to Cite
Nuñez Rey C. (2015). En busca del tiempo homérico con la mirada y la palabra de Antonio Prieto (lectura de "El ciego de Quíos"). Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 33, 253-291. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2015.v33.50939