La dimensión mítica de los personajes vanguardistas. Una reflexión en torno a la teoría de Ortega y Gasset

  • Rosa Fernández Urtasun Universidad de Navarra
Keywords: avant-garde novel, myth, Ortega y Gasset


In the late nineteenth-century realism consolidates the development of fictional characters, but shortly after there is a turn in narrative to abstraction that induces Ortega y Gasset to reflect on what are the defining characteristics of a literary character. In Meditations on Quixote (1914), The Dehumanization of Art and Ideas on the novel (both from 1925) he makes a historical analysis that concludes with an assessment of contemporary literature. Many of the avant-garde narrators formed around him take into account his writings and experiment with his proposals. In this process, myth plays a major role, both as the poetic substance and as the cultural foundation of many of the protagonists of the experimental 20‟s novel.


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How to Cite
Fernández Urtasun R. (2015). La dimensión mítica de los personajes vanguardistas. Una reflexión en torno a la teoría de Ortega y Gasset. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 33, 91-112.